英語教學期刊 English Teaching & Learning

英語教學期刊 English Teaching & Learning


期刊名 / Journal Title:英語教學
出版者 / Publisher(s): 臺灣師範大學英語文教學中心 & Ainosco Press
語文 / Language: 中文、英文
刊期別 / Frequency: 季刊(三月、六月、九月、十二月)
ISBN/ISSN: 1607-9264
價格 / Price: 個人使用單冊300元;一年份1000元


訂閱、購買紙本請洽華藝學術出版部 Ainosco Press
TEL: (+886) 02-2926-6006 分機 8950 姚先生
E-mail: [email protected]

內容簡介:《英語教學》(English Teaching & Learning)為學術性刊物,旨在鼓勵英語教學研究、促進學術及經驗交流、並提升英語教學水準。凡有關國內外實證性英語教學研究成果及理論之探討或評介、嶄新具創意之教學法介紹、課程研發、課程或教材評量、師資培育及其他與英語教學相關議題(如雙語教育、心理語言學、社會語言學、外語習得等)之研究報告,均歡迎投稿。本刊長期徵稿,無特定截止日期,各通過稿件依審稿狀況配合出刊,歡迎踴躍投稿。

English Teaching & Learning (ETL) is the first scholarly journal in Taiwan dedicated solely to research on the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language. It aims to publish quality papers that contribute to all aspects of the profession, particularly those seeking to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The journal welcomes submissions on course design, teaching materials, teacher training, teaching methods, language assessment, bilingual education, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and other related areas. The journal calls for papers in the long term without any specific deadline. The accepted manuscripts will be published according to the review progress. Submissions are welcome all year around.

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Publication date 2018年8月24日