核子醫學暨分子影像雜誌 Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

核子醫學暨分子影像雜誌 Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging


期刊名 / Journal Title:核子醫學暨分子影像雜誌
出版者 / Publisher(s): 中華民國核醫學學會 & Ainosco Press
語文 / Language: 繁體中文、英文
刊期別 / Frequency: 季刊(三月、六月、九月、十二月)
ISBN/ISSN: 2226-9681

價格 / Price: 本刊為電子刊


TEL: (+886) 02-2926-6006 分機 8950 姚先生
E-mail: [email protected]

Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (ANMMI) (ISSN: 2226-9681) dedicated to publishing peer reviewed research in nuclear medical science promoted by Society of Nuclear Medicine, Taiwan. Our editorial team members from different fields of Medical, Para-Medical and related disciplines ensures the quality and review standard of our publications. Types of articles will be accepted including original research articles, review articles, editorial, medical news, case reports, interesting images in medical practice, and new technological updates. It is published quarterly and available in both print and online versions. Based on your eminence and contribution towards the field of nuclear medicine, we request you to publish your work in the ANMMI. Please submit your manuscript through online: http://pilot-run.ipress.tw/J0065
We are looking forward to receving your manuscript soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in advance.

Publication date 2022年10月11日