台語研究 Journal of Taiwanese Vernacular

台語研究 Journal of Taiwanese Vernacular


期刊名 / Journal Title:台語研究
出版者 / Publisher(s): 國立成功大學台灣文學系、亞細亞國際傳播社
語文 / Language: 台文、英語
刊期別 / Frequency: 半年刊(三月、九月)
ISBN/ISSN: 2076-3611
價格 / Price: 個人使用單冊500元;一年份1000元



訂閱、購買紙本請洽華藝學術出版部 Ainosco Press
TEL: (+886) 02-2926-6006 分機 8950 姚先生
E-mail: [email protected]

Journal of Taiwanese Vernacular is a professional journal dedicated to the study of Taigi or the Taiwanese language. The journal accepts two types of papers. First, research related to Taigi on any aspects, such as linguistics, literature, and culture. Second, comparative works between Taigi and other languages. Works on languages other than Taigi are also welcome if they are helpful to the study or revival of Taigi.

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Publication date 2019年3月31日