Asian Journal of Coaching Science 亞洲教練科學

Asian Journal of Coaching Science 亞洲教練科學


出版者 / Publisher(s): Asia Association of Coaching Science & Ainosco Press
語文 / Language: 英文
刊期別 / Frequency: 半年刊
價格 / Price:Open Access



訂閱、購買紙本請洽華藝學術出版部 Ainosco Press
TEL: (+886) 02-2926-6006 分機 8950 姚先生
E-mail: [email protected]

 The Asian Journal of Coaching Science is an online, free open-access (no submission/publishing fee), peer-reviewed, international, academic/professional journal, which aims to integrate knowledge in theory and training for coaching effectiveness and performance enhancement. We accept academic articles which are beneficial to coaches, athletes and sports scientists. Original article, sport technological report, review and letter to editor are welcome, we encourage the editors to accelerate the review process. The journal is published by Asia Association of Coaching Science  every half year. 

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Publication date 2018年12月31日